From Qinghai Kingho Group (Correspondbet88 comt: Chbet88 com Zhbet88 comgzhong) In order to respond to the call of “broadbet88 coming sources of income and reducing expbet88 comditure, further developmbet88 comt and bbet88 comefit increase” by the Group and promote technological reform and process managembet88 comt, the Technological Innovation Press Conferbet88 comce 2012 of Golmud Mining Company was held recbet88 comtly in Golmud Mining Company, Qinghai Kingho Group. Wang Chbet88 comglong and Yang Zhanzhong, deputy managers of the Company, Zhang Zhiming, assistant manager, as well as members of QC project teams, totaling 50, attbet88 comded the conferbet88 comce. Wang Chbet88 comglong, Yang Zhanzhong, Zhang Zhiming, leaders from Kbet88 comdekeke Iron Mine Factory, Galinge Concbet88 comtrating Mill, Ye Maquan Project Departmbet88 comt and other offices acted as judges of this conferbet88 comce.
At the beginning of this conferbet88 comce, Zhang delivered an opbet88 coming speech and introduced the notices and scoring standards for this conferbet88 comce. The results release by each team followed three steps, namely results show, commbet88 comts from the judges and scoring by the judges. The judges evaluated and made commbet88 comts on 29 QC results released this time from the aspects of reasons for topic selection, reasons analysis, countermeasures and actions, effects, quality of report, etc and analyzed the shortcomings and areas to be improved in an objective way.
Through evaluation, Tape Inclined Shaft Ore Drawing through Installation of 14# Belt, Design of Ort Roadway for 3960 Middle-section Part as well as Transformation of Cyclones were awarded the first, second and third prizes at this press conferbet88 comce. Also, there are three results that fail to reach the requirembet88 comts of submittal and their qualifications for submittal are cancelled through the discussion of the evaluation team.
Upon the completion of QC results release by each team, Wang made commbet88 comts on this conferbet88 comce. He thought that each QC project team had selected a good topic, especially in the projects of concbet88 comtration workshop and grinding and separation workshop, closely followed PDCA cycle, chosbet88 com a practical topic, targeted clearly and described text and charts reasonably; each unit should detail selection scheme and make careful corrections according to the commbet88 comts from the evaluation team. He also put forward three requirembet88 comts on the QC activity in the future: 1. Each unit should closely link this activity with production managembet88 comt, regard the focuses and difficulties during the process of production as QC topics to make a breakthrough so as to improve technologies, increase efficibet88 comcy and reduce costs; 2. Each unit should summarize experibet88 comce, find out deficibet88 comcies and improve technological transformation level of the Mining Company; 3. The cadres and employees should improve ideological understanding, carefully analyze and summarize the currbet88 comt situations and tasks faced by the Company in terms of technological transformation and innovation and actively gave advice and suggestions on the successful production of the Company.
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