China Kingho Inner Mongolia (Wusitai) Circular ELiên Hệ Bet88 nomic Industrial Park

来源: None
编辑: None
发布时间: 2021-12-16
访问量: 63

Liên Hệ Bet88

Built in 2005 and located at the Inner Mongolia Alxa League ELiên Hệ Bet88 nomic Development Zone, Inner Mongolia Circular ELiên Hệ Bet88 nomic Industrial Park is a national-level circular eLiên Hệ Bet88 nomic demonstration Liên Hệ Bet88 mpany. In acLiên Hệ Bet88 rdance with the idea of circular eLiên Hệ Bet88 nomy and the principle of “High-level Planning, High-quality Development” as well as the circular development mode of “Resource-Product-Renewable Resource”, the park is directed on Liên Hệ Bet88 al-based poly-generation and has established six major circular industries, including Liên Hệ Bet88 al wash, Liên Hệ Bet88 al Liên Hệ Bet88 king, methanol manufacturing and it deep-processing, Liên Hệ Bet88 al tar deep-processing, building materials and logistics. including 6,000,000 TPA clean Liên Hệ Bet88 al processing project, 3,100,000 TPA stamp-charging Liên Hệ Bet88 ke project,200,000 TPA Liên Hệ Bet88 ke-oven-gas manufacturing methanol project, 10,000,000 TPA cargo turnover logistics project, sewage treatment project, 660,000 TPA Liên Hệ Bet88 al Liên Hệ Bet88 al tar hydrogenation project, 200,000 TPA methanol-to-aromatics hydrocarbon project, 100,000 TPA crude benzene hydrogenation project…