bet88 slotina Kingho Qinghai News (Yue Weiguo, Zhang Fenbao) Recently, accbet88 slotding to path fbet88 slotward of Coke Oven Gas to LNG Project of China Kingho Qinghai Group, Qinghai Group bet88 slotganized the design bidding, and designing institution has been initially determined.
At the design bidding hold on July 29th, Qinghai Group fully examined the quality, project abet88 slotievement of the two companies invited to bid. Also, they have talked about the process route, costs of project design, tebet88 slotnology transfer fees, and catalyst costs, etc.
On July 30th, Qinghai Group held a symposium on wbet88 slotks of design bidding and compared business and technology of the two bidders. After comprehensive consideration, the headquarters of China Kingho has been initially chosen as the designing institution.
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